Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Avant Garde-I think

avant garde

cubofuturism- Cubism and futurism.

futurism-exploring time

suprematism -Malevich-black square, form and shape. rejects function
El Lissitzky-was influential at Bauhaus, proun(s) acronym-experiments, explorations into space with painting
Enough with the pictures already.

Kandinsky- abstract, teaches at Bauhaus

function, geometrical
art that does not serve purpose is meaningless
grid system
photo montage-two completely different takes and putting it together, cutting film

every canvas is analogous to music
Design is problem solving.

De Stijl-rectallinear structures
looking for utopian approach to art
suprematism and constructivism, unite!
Piet Mondrian-the main man
diagonal lines broke up a friendship
negative space is vital

Bauhaus (school)
33 faculty
1250 students
1919-1925 Weimar-kicked out by government
    1923 first public exhibition
    1924 letter of resignation from faculty
1925-1932 Dessau-industrial city, Nazis suck
    1928 Walter Groupius replaced by Hans Meyer
    1930 Meyer replaced by Van Der Rohe
1932-1933 Berlin
Utopian desire to create a new spritual society
Unity of Artists and Craftsmen to build for the future.
Ideas from all of the Advanced Art and Design Movements were explored and applied to functional design
Paul Klee- painter, Moholy Nagy-constructivist, Johannas Itten-develops the foundation program, Herbert Bayer, Kandinsky, Mies van der Rohe, Walter Groupus-director and first head of Bauhaus, Oscar Schlemmer, Joseph Albers-color theory

So many squares. I think that the Russians need a safer way to carry their babies.

No questions at this time.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cubism and stuff

Peter Behrens
first running sans serif
identity system
lots of circles and squares
building houses turbine
Narrow tracks freak us artists out.
Different interests include design.
Design is trying to take over the world.
The way of thinking-design
1914 WWI   1917 Russian Revolution   1918 Czar Assassinated WWI Ends   1919 Bahaus opens   1926 NBC First national radio network   1929 stockmarket crash

ask "What's it all about, Alfie?"
design relates into everything!!

Lucien Bernhard Priester (matches)

less traditional and more abstract
Julius Klinger war bond posters

Uncle Sam by James Flag
Bauhaus 1919-1933
cubism create 3d form in 2d space
Dada 1916-1920 "A European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity."

1920s entertainment posters, cubism
travel posters

reductive design, abstraction

mathmatics is in everything...(sigh.)

Paul Rand cubism, collage

Avant Garde

It seems today that all forms of art, new and old styles, are used in all media because there is a broader base of artists. Since each generation composes something creative by modifying multiple styles, there are also opportunities to create more styles of art and design in all forms of media.


When did writing letters and using the post office become popular?