Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Modernism in the USA

Lester Beal 1903-69
Pioneers in Peoria
open symmetrical grid
wood type, arrows
Running Water (is good)
Had to campaign for electricity
How to translate something for the illiterate
modernism meets pragmatism

Works Project Administration Exhibition 1940 (creative commons)
limited color palette
Better housing
Free classes
Getting people back to work.

Swiss Design
international typographic style
more than just grids!
visual unity achieved by asymmetrical organization
objective photography
sans serif type + flush left/rag right
mathematical grids
design should be socially useful
"How can we make life better?"
Its the way problems are approached
socially useful and important activity
Ulm, clean efficient modern type

semantics-meaning or referred to
pragmatics-how it is used
Ferdinand de Saussure
dyadic model
a 'signifier'- the form which the sign takes
the 'signified'- the concept it represents

charles sanders peirce
triadic model
sign vehicle: the form of the sign
sense: the sense made of the sign
referent: what the sign 'stands for'
Everything has meaning
What things mean in relationship to other things.

Joseph Muller-brockmann
grid is just a system

Swiss modernism vs NYC modernism
paul rand, saul ball and ivan chermayeff
1940 begin to see effects of modernism in ads
european theoretical- ny, pragmatic
"The Big Idea"
Europeans theoretical, NY- pragmatic

Used to note a break w the earlier modernist principles by placing emphasis on form over function, by reintroducing traditional or classical elements or by carrying modernist styles or practices to extremes.

Seen in art, design, lit, and architecture
emphasis on feel rather than rationale
emphases on surface, texture and materials
self-consciousness or self-referencing
mixes high and low
historical refs
vernacular-language of things

Wolfgang Weingart-Teacher
"What if?"
computer fuels post-modernism
Memphis Group-texture, pattern, color for no apparent reason


I'm still not sure what post-modernism is about. :( I couldn't understand what the people in the movie were saying most of the time.

None at this time.

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